Chakra Meditation Technique

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Chakra meditation technique focuses on the nerve centers or energy vortices within the body that regulate our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Meditating on the chakras regularly cleanses and balances them. This balancing brings inner poise and unlocks hidden reserves of energy within us.

Chakras, Sanskrit for wheel, are quite literally whirling vortices of life-force that lie along the body's energy pathways. While they do correspond to certain glands, plexuses or organs in the physical body, they are essentially centers of spiritual consciousness along the first sheath or pranamaya kosh of the astral body (click to learn more about the three bodies).

There are seven main chakras centered around the base of your spine (who you are), lower abdomen (how you feel), above the navel (what you do), heart (how you love), throat (what you say), forehead (what you know) and crown of the head (how you connect with the universe or higher power). 

Then there are the minor chakras - significant ones being the plantar chakra (sole of each foot), hand chakra (palms), tortoise chakra (upper sternum) and moon chakra (above your palate).

Chakras are often depicted as lotus flowers - a powerful symbol in Indian tradition symbolizing the yearning and movement from the gross  to the subtle.

Similar to the lotus flower, which grows in muddy waters but strives toward sunlight, a meditator aspires for enlightenment while rooted in the illusory world of maya.

The table below lists the properties of the seven main chakras to help you better practice the chakra meditation technique. 

Your Chakra Guide

Chakra Located Petals Color Element Influences Meditation Develops
Mooladhara/ Root Base of spine 4 Red Earth Legs, lower intestine, coccygeal plexus Grounded attitude, Feeling of security, Steadiness of mind
Swadhishthana/ Sacral Lower abdomen 6 Orange Water Sex organs, bladder, sacral plexus Emotions, Creative Impulse
Manipura/ Solar plexus Above the navel 10 Yellow Fire Stomach, pancreas, celiac plexus Self-esteem, Ability to take action
Anahata/Heart Centre of the chest 12 Green Air Heart, lungs, cardiac plexus Love, Compassion, Empathy
Vishuddha/ Throat Throat 16 Blue Ether Throat, neck, pharyngeal plexus Communication, Manifesting creativity
Ajna/Third-eye In between and above brows 2 Indigo 'Light' Pituitary and Pineal glands, carotid plexus Intuition, Intellect
Sahasrara/ Crown Crown of the head 1000 Violet 'Thought' Brain, cerebral cortex Insight, Divinity, Enlightenment

Basic Chakra Meditation Technique

  • Sit in your normal meditation posture 
  • Ensure your back is erect by straightening it as if stacking one vertebrae on top of the other
  • Relax your shoulders and keep the head evenly balanced and tuck your chin slightly inwards
  • Let your tongue touch the palate
  • Relax your face
  • Close your eyes
  • Bring attention to the base of your spine, mooladhara or root chakra and visualize a four petalled, red lotus flower
  • Move your attention to the swadhishthana or sacral chakra and visualize an orange colored six petalled lotus flower  
  • Moving up to the manipura or solar plexus chakra, see a yellow lotus with ten petals
  • Anahata or heart chakra has a twelve petalled green lotus
  • Visualize a blue lotus with sixteen petals at your vishuddha or throat chakra 
  • Ajna or third eye chakra has a two petalled lotus of deep blue/indigo color
  • Sahasara or crown chakra has a thousand ('infinite') petalled lotus at the top of the head. Visualize it in violet color

Finally, if you start feeling vulnerable, you may wish to visualize the closing of the petals in each of the chakras before ending your meditation.

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