If you have trouble sitting down to meditate, breath walking is for you.
No squirming, shifting legs or trying to ignore that itch in your back.
Just walk, breathe, count and repeat a mantra.
It is a kinesthetic meditation that allows you to regain your calm through movement. For some people this may sound counterintuitive, but for people who learn best by involving their bodies, this is the most natural way to meditate.
Movement allows them to bring their focus inward, tune out the external distractions and quiet the mind.
Moreover, by focusing on the breath, you practice mindfulness that allows you to welcome the present moment without judging it. Centering yourself in the now gives you a 'time-out' from your busy lifestyle and prevents the stress spiral.
Walk this way
With no prep time and zero equipment, except for a pair of walking shoes if you choose not to go barefoot, this meditation is as easy as it gets.
- index finger + thumb = wisdom
- middle finger + thumb = focus
- ring finger + thumb = energy
- little finger + thumb = connectedness
You could also use your own unique beej mantra instead of sa-ta-na-ma.
Breath walking may be a little difficult in the beginning due to distractions in your surroundings, but you will get better at ignoring them and consciously focusing your attention inward over time.
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